Starting to Feel Like a Real Video Game!

Make your project feel like a real videogame adding assets.

Rusben Guzman
2 min readJun 3, 2021

Objective: Show the differences between the prototype and the game with some assets.

This is an update about the Space Shooter game that I am developing. When I started with the project I created the functionalities with primitive shapes and colors. This allows me to test the mechanics and adjust the correct behaviour but at that moment the project doesn’t look like a game even if I have a player in the scene that I can control and shoot lasers for other people it is not easy to identify the game elements.

Throughout the development I added some sprites, background, powerups and animations. With these visual elements the user can feel that he is in an outer space environment controlling a spaceship and shooting lasers. Video games are about to mix different elements to create an interactive experience. You can add more things depending on the project like audio, video, models, materials, fonts and more.



Rusben Guzman

A Software Engineer passionate about game dev and interactive products with Unity. I consider video games to be the artistic expression of programming.