Spaceship Game Made with Unity: Adding Powerup SFX

Powerup indicator!!!

Rusben Guzman
Jul 12, 2021

Objective: Play a sound effect when the player collects a powerup

Now It is time for the powerups. First I created an empty game object called PowerupAudio as a child of the Audio Manager, unchecked the “Play On Awake” attribute and assigned the clip.

Then in the player script I created an AudioSource variable and assigned the reference in the Inspector. Next I created a public function to play the sound.

In the powerup script I called the PlayPowerupAudio from the player game object when we check the collision with the player.

And that’s it! SFX for powerup collection.



Rusben Guzman
Rusben Guzman

Written by Rusben Guzman

A Software Engineer passionate about game dev and interactive products with Unity. I consider video games to be the artistic expression of programming.

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