More Productive Editor Layout in Unity
Customize your editor
Editor Windows
Unity’s interface is made up of tabbed windows with different functions, the most commons editor windows are:
- Hierarchy: text representation of the GameObjects in your current Scene
- Game view: preview of your final product/game
- Scene View: allows you to visually navigate and edit your scene
- Inspector: shows detailed information of the selected game object
- Project: display your library of assets
All of these windows can be rearranged, grouped, detached and docked, you only have to drag and drop the window to another place according to your needs.
Saving your layout
Once you finish to move the windows and you feel comfortable with your workspace, you can save the layout, to do this you have to select the layout dropdown in the top right of the windows, select save layout and name it:
Recommended professional layout
This is a recommended layout to start working in unity, having the scene and game view at the same time allows you to see the changes in your final product in real time, then you have Hierarchy and Project window, for the project windows is better change the view to one column, finally you can see the inspector alone to see easily the components and info of your game objects.
Remember this is only a recommendation, there are no golden rules to create the perfect layout it can vary between projects and people.