Creating Coin Distraction Feature in Unity (Part 1)
Instantiate a coin on player click position
Objective: Instantiate a coin prefab on player right click position.
In this part we are going to create a code to instantiate a coin prefab when the player makes a right click and play the drop coin audio.
In the player script we have to create a variable to store the coin prefab and assign it in the inspector.
I added an audiosource component to the coin prefab and assigned the drop coin audio to it. Also I left the play on awake property checked.
Last thing is in the script player check for the right click, then create a ray from the mouse click position and if the raycast detects the floor we instantiate the coin prefab in the hit point position.
And that’s it!!! When the player makes a right click, a coin prefab is instantiated in the click position.